Computer security architectures and systems must continually evolve to meet the changing strategic requirements of the company while maintaining a high level of protection against IT threats. Choosing the right technology must reconcile the objectives of security and business; companies find themselves having to meet their continuing operational needs but only periodically reviewing their security architectures. Continuous and regular revisions avoid the obsolescence of systems and ensure that all components are up to date and meet business priorities.
Our aim is to help organizations to identify security risks to business information in all their dynamics and measure the relationship between the set of standard criteria and practice that the organization applies in the management of the security of data at risk.
Although each organization and the data it manages are different our primary goal is to protect them through the creation of a set of simple systems with lean processes which act in depth with extreme efficiency and fidelity and which by communicating together correlate the numerous pieces of information. The solutions that CAEN qS develop are:
- Architectures for malware protection
- Web application firewall
- Application of Continuous Vulnerability Assessment”
- Centralized Management Control